How To Get Secret Megumin - Multiverse Defenders

Megumin is a name synonymous with any fan of explosion and pyromancy. She’s got it all, the charisma, the skill, and the…
01/08/2024   178LECTURE

Megumin is a name synonymous with any fan of explosion and pyromancy. She’s got it all, the charisma, the skill, and the ability to unload all her strength into one single attack. But, in Multiverse Defenders, she’s rather shy.

If you’re trying to obtain Secret Megumin with no luck then this guide is for you. From her lack of availability to her becoming the secret meta pick; there’s so much to cover, so let’s jump right in!

Prerequisites For Secret Megumin

Multiverse Defenders

Photo: Roblox

Before heading into the strategy, let’s brief ourselves. You need to be in the Christmas 2023 season and should be able to connect to a live game.

Since the odds of getting the Secret Megumin are really minuscule, you should prepare yourself for a series of arduous grinds. While the method below will promise the most efficient path, it’s not a guaranteed hit.

Nonetheless, by following these steps and maintaining persistence, you stand a much better chance of adding Secret Megumin to your roster.

Step #1: Use Multiple Accounts

Roblox Page

Photo: Roblox

It goes without saying, but Multiverse Defenders is a gacha game, so you virtually have little to no control over the character you’re going to get.

Therefore, it’s better to run multiple accounts in parallel in order to obtain Secret Megumin in at least one of them.

That being said, you need to be using the Roblox browser to take full advantage of this but pay attention to your RAM usage as it can fill up really quickly.

Step #2: Make a Game

Multiverse Defenders

Photo: LontheLast

Now that we’ve summoned as many ‘Alts’ as we could, it’s time to head into the game with them. The logic behind it is pretty straightforward:

The more players you have, the more gifts will be dropped. Since these players are your alts, you can just pick up all the gifts in their stead as well. The goal of all this is to ensure you’re yielding the most amount of boxes or ‘gifts’ possible.

Step #3: Wait for the Timer to Run Out

Gift Box Multiverse Defenders


Once inside, there will be a certain time period before the gifts are dropped. Keep your alt accounts inside, and wait for that to happen.

Once the gifts are dropped, pick them up from your main account, and start unlocking them one by one. This strategy will significantly boost your odds of obtaining the Secret Megumin.

Optional Step: Always Be Connected

Secret Megumin Multiverse Defenders

Photo: LontheLast

Roblox has a lobby kickout time, and to ensure no other player is able to take advantage of it to kick you out, take extra care to ensure only your Alts are in the lobby.

This way, you can stay inside almost indefinitely, and can reap those rewards as they come, hopefully adding Secret Megumin to your list!


In essence, utilizing multiple accounts, strategically timing your gameplay, and maximizing gift collection are some of the ways on how you enhance your chances of acquiring Secret Megumin.

Remember, while this method increases efficiency, it’s not a guarantee due to the game’s inherent randomness.

For more similar content, check out our guides on Type Soul Resurrection, Residence Massacre, and Project Mugetsu Arrogante.

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